How to Glorify God: Four Ways
First, we glorify God when we set God highest in our thoughts and esteem Him most excellent (Psalm 92:8, 97:9). We must be admirers of His attributes, which are the glittering beams by which the divine nature shines forth; His promises, which are the charter of free grace, and the spiritual cabinet where the pearl of price is hid; and the noble effects of his power and wisdom in making the world.
Second, we glorify Him through adoration or worship (Psalm 29:2). God is very jealous of divine worship; it is the apple of His eye, the pearl of His crown; which He guards that no man may come near it to violate it. Divine worship must be such as God himself has appointed. If God was so exact about the pattern of the tabernacle, how exact will he be about the matter of His worship.
Third, God counts Himself glorified when He is loved. You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart and all of your soul (Deut 6:5). To love God is to delight in Him; to set your heart upon God, as a man’s heart is set upon his treasure. This love is exuberant, not a few drops, but a stream. It is superlative; we give God the best of our love. It is intense and ardent. Thus to love God is to glorify Him. He who is the chief of our happiness has the chief of our love.
Fourth, we glorify Him when we dedicate ourselves to God and are devoted to His service; our head studies for Him, our tongue pleads for Him and our hands relieve His members. We must not only bow our knee and give worship, but bring presents of golden obedience.
– Thomas Watson (A Body of Divinity) with some minor edits
See also How Do We Live for God’s Glory and John MacArthur’s sermon How to Glorify God.
How to Glorify God - John MacArthur SermonIn "Discipleship"
How Do We Live for God's Glory?In "Discipleship"
How to Worship - John MacArthurIn "Discipleship"
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