Glossary of Terminology
of the Shamanic & Ceremonial Traditions
of the Inca Medicine Lineage
as Practiced in the United States
The inclusion of herbs, symptomatology and treatments for disease
within this glossary
is not meant for diagnosis of, nor prescription for treatment of, any
medical condition.
This information is included for anthropological and historical study
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pacarina: See, paqarina, below.
Runa: (n)
Literally, the
first men who emerged. Those
people did not know how to do anything, not even how to make clothes;
they wore tree leaves and straw mats. Nor did they know how to make
houses; they lived in caves and under cliffs. GPA
(n) Abode
of Procreation
where Inti gave life to the first mortals, who were created there after
the flood (Uñu Pachacuti)
and emerged from three caves. NFL
Tambo Toco, paqarichiy.)
(n) Month. AEAA
(n) (1) Location in time and space; where time and space are in
conjunction. (2) Life phases; the in-between space, a bardo. (3)
The physical world. Time, earth, space, universe. ROR
AVO (4) The
Divine Cosmos. It
includes quantity, other realities, Divinity, what is still a mystery.
(5) Age;
era; time. (6) Oneself; a being. (7) Soil; nature; place. RS
(AYM): (adv) At the beginning of earth. ASD
Pachakamak: (n) (1) Literally, he
who animates the world.
Universal masculine energy in time and space; creator of the world.
Deity of the Andes; world ruler; creator; he who puts order in the
world. RS
A chthonic creator-god, originally worshipped by the Yuncas but then
adopted by the Incan Empire. He was a son of Inti
and Mama Killa,
and husband of Pachamama.
When he had created the first man and woman, he forgot to provide them
with food. When the man died, the woman accused Pachacamac of neglect,
whereupon he made her fertile, and she bore a son. The god killed the
son, cut the corpse in pieces from which grew the various fruits and
vegetables. The second son escaped him, however, and so the god slew
the mother. This son, called Wichama,
avenged his mother's death by driving Pachacamac into the sea. WPO
Primarily he was the Underworld god causing earthquakes but may have
been related also to the fertility of the Earth. His wife, Urpihuachac,
had thrown the first fishes into the Ocean. PRM
Some scholars say this is an attribute of Wiracocha.
appears to have been a Chimu deity. As a child of the sun and the moon,
he was a brother to Con. The cult of
Pachacamac survived the might of Inca
domination. IAWS
He who
animates the World primarily was the Underworld god causing
earthquakes but may have been related also to the fertility of the
Earth. Once [pre-Conquest] included characteristics of Tricksters.
A supreme
god who was worshipped at a large adobe pyramid (of the same name) to
the south of Lima on the coast of modern Peru; a god with two sides,
one male and one female, represented by a large, carved wooden pillar
that was destroyed by the Spanish. ANON1 (2) A
temple outside of Lima where the philosophy of yanantin was born. RS
NND The site of
Pachacamac on the central coast of Peru has long been regarded as the
preeminent religious and/or pilgrimage center of pre-Hispanic Peru. The
fame and power of its oracle and ancient temples, together with myths
pertaining to its dualistic, earth-dwelling, patron deity named
Pachacamac, have been described by both Spanish Colonial writers and
modern scholars. This deity is said to have had the power, on the one
hand, to create and sustain humans, nurture crops, and cure disease,
and, on the other hand, to cause earthquakes, storms in the Pacific,
and disease. In his 1534 report, Miguel Estete, for example, noted that
many pilgrims from far and wide came there to pay respects, consult,
and/or make offerings to the oracle at the Temple. This sanctuary was
surrounded by shelters for pilgrims and the tombs of noblemen and
priests, who wished to be buried close to the deity they had
worshipped. WPAP After
crossing inhospitable mountains, travelers would be awed by the temple.
Fantastic murals covered the adobe walls and through its many doors
access could be found to a series of plazas. Pachacamac not only
offered advise to individuals, but offered protection from natural
disasters and disease. In return, he expected tribute in the form of
goods and the blood of sacrificial victims, both animal and human. IAWS
(AYM): (adj) Of war. ASD
pachakuti: (n) (1) A cataclysmic event
separating eras in time. The founding of the Inca
Empire was seen as the beginning of a new era, and the Inca ruler
responsible took Pachacuti as his name. The Conquest was also seen as a
pachacuti, in the sense of a great disaster. Felipe
Guaman Poma de Ayala mourned it as a world in reverse
because hanan and hurin had been
overturned and the Spanish had failed to institute a new order that was
just or made sense. CSCR
(2) Coming back to source. TP
A return to
the essence of the cosmos. There is a cosmic cycle of one thousand
years, like the cycle of day and night. Five hundred years is daytime,
five hundred is nighttime. The Spanish arrived with the sunset between
1492 and 1532. Now we are living in a New
Sunrise, which is very special because this first light is food for
the heart. IGMP The
revolution of time and space, the concept of succession and renewal.
The Incas believed in an elaborate succession of worlds or creations,
inhabited by different races of beings and/or civilizations. Each age
was referred to as being ruled over by a Sun [and assigned a successive
number]. The general course of development was from the more primitive
to the sophisticated. Each world ended, destroyed by some catastrophic
event. MAN
(3) A period of upheaval and cosmic transformation, overturning of the
space/time continuum that affects consciousness. Reversal of the world.
A cosmic transformation or world reversal in the form of a critical
mass experience in the complexity of consciousness (specifically human)
that ultimately brings about a new, distinct, more encompassing
paradigm of one's relation to the self and the living universe. Named
after the second founder of the Inca empire [see, Pachacuti Inca
Yupanqui, below] who completely remade the entire social fabric of Cusco during his reign. The word itself may
stem from the words pachak and kuti, which, when placed
together, mean centuple, or a hundred times as great.PSPM
An Inka notion of a shift in spiritual, magnetic, and energetic
currents of the Earth brought about by a critical mass or matrix of
high-vibration transformed and transformational consciousness (usually
human), causing massive upheavals and cosmic changes in both the
activities and consciousness-reality paradigm of humanity and leading
to a distinct, more “whole” or all-encompassing world and world-view. ANON1 (See,
First Sun, Second Sun, Third
Sun, Fourth Sun, Fifth Sun.)
(n) 500-year period between pachacutis.
Inca Yupanqui, Pachakuteq Inca Yupanqui:
The ninth Inca emperor whose remarkable
rule (1438-1471) earned him the appellation Transformer
of the World and
Among his accomplishments he rebuilt Cusco
after it was destroyed in the war with the Chanca (see,
Appendix M), he built
Machu Picchu, developed the state and organized the institutions and
systems that would become the hallmarks of Inca rule: national taxation
and labor levies, roadways and imperial communication network, and
extensive warehousing of food and other commodities for redistribution
throughout the empire. MAN
(See, Appendix
was born as a lily in the garden and thus I was raised. And I grew and
got old
and died out and I passed away…” … and after saying these words,
Pachacutec reclined his head and expired …
-- Sarmiento de Gamboa, 1572. DYE
(n) Earthquake. QP
Pachamama, Pacha
Mama: (n) (1) Mother Earth, Gaia; both the physical planet and the
goddess archetype. Universal feminine energy in time and space; cosmic
mother. Wife of Pachacamac.
Goddess of the earth and overseer of planting and harvesting. seen as a
huge dragon which causes earthquakes. GM
The Earth Mother of the Chincha of Peru. The supreme god Pachacamac
emerged from her. She is also mentioned as his consort. WPO
Goddess responsible for the well-being of plants and animals. Offerings
to her of coca,
and prayers are made on all agricultural occasions. MANThey Inca propitiated Pachamama, and other spirits,
by placing offerings on mountaintops, in crevices and caves, and buried
near buildings or fields. One kind of offering used throughout the Inca
realm involved copper, silver, or gold figurines dressed in elaborate
miniature garments, often decorated with feathers. BOC
She predominates in agriculture and may have a position similar to Roal, since her powers are not subject to him
nor have they been delegated by him as in the case of the great apus. She may well be, rather, a being of
pan-earthly powers who intervenes as the feminine factor in the origin
of things. JNP
The Wamanis are associated with the
mountains, the highland pastures, the sky, livestock and man. Pachamama
is associated with the earth, agriculture and woman. Thus there is an
opposition between these two divinities. But they are related to each
other through the mediation of the Amaru,
who inhabits the springs and lagoons of the high pastures. From there
he circulates to the valleys through streams and irrigation canals, for
his principal element is water. Ritual
offerings are deposited in the springs found at the foot of the
mountains in the high country. Then the Amaru emerges from the Ukhu Pacha to sweep the gifts of man down
to the valleys below. In this fashion the Wamanis (sky) communicate
with Pachamama (earth) through the mediation of the Amaru (water). WOFW(2)
Physical body/matter permeated by the etheric and vital stress systems,
which hold the world together. PSPM (Also, Mama
Pacha. See,
Pachamama is the point where time and space meet. The past, the present
and the
future are born from her and all return to her. She is the universal
and eternal matrix.
The apus, the ancestors, and the various spirits are all born from her,
controlled by her,
and protected by her. . . . Man, too, with his family and all his
possessions . . . is born
from her, nurtured and raised by her, and finally drawn back within her
when he dies. GSC
(n) Mother Earth as the relationship of time and space, above and
(n) One of the meanings of pachaq is of the earth or worldly.
(See, pacha.) Pachaq quipu was used in context as
different from qhapaq quipu,
which are royal quipu. See,
Appendix C for more on this and
to understand more of the context. PGO
Pachatierra: (n) (1) Refers to a concept of earthly or subterranean
fecundity, which is important in a discussion of celestial animals
(def. 2) which originate from and are actually composed of the earth.
We find in the Andes a general belief in the subterranean origin of all
animals. ACES (2)
Dark cloud constellations which are located in that part of the Milky
Way (Mayu) where one sees the densest
clustering of stars and the greatest surface brightness, thus the fixed
clouds of interstellar dust [dark matter (Yana Phuyu)] have the
greatest contrast. They represent a transitional, intermediate category
of celestial phenomena; even though located in the sky, they are
classified as pachatierra,
or pachatira,
the Spanish and Quechua words for earth.
There is a correlation of the astronomical periodicities of the
pachatira with the biological cycles of their animal counterparts on
the earth (sp). ACES
yana phuyu
for a fuller explanation.)

(n) (1) The name of one of one of the sacred mountains of the Inca
empire. Its mystical significance is as the nexus, the axis of ceke
lines, of power in the mesa
which is known as pachatusan. (2) The axis to which you anchor your
engagements, your ability to assemble your reality and not collude with
ordinary reality
(which is reaction). JLH
yachachiq: (n)
Literally, world
teacher. Refers to
one who intervenes on Earth as a direct manifestation of Creator,
divinity, and cosmic consciousness, such as Christ, Thunapa [and Gautama Siddartha]. ANON1
pago (Span):
(n) (1) A despacho
offered in payment or atonement, often given with food and drink. KOAK
(2) Payment. GOL
a la tierra
(Span): Literally, payment
to the earth.
Alcohol, burnt offerings and smashed pottery to ensure fertility of the
fields. JAR
pahuata-huinac, hacchiques: (n) Monnina
salicifolia. Pahuata-huinac means growing at night. Women
prepare from this plant a hair wash and believe that it stimulates
exuberant growth of the hair. The saponaceous constituents free the
scalp from dandruff and the hair from oils. The roots are very bitter
and have a much higher saponine content than the rest of the plant.
Excellent medicinal virtues, especially for treating dysenteries,
reside in these roots. REPC
paico, payco: (n) (Dysphania
ambrosioides, formerly Chenopodium ambrosioides.) Also
called epazote, wormseed, Jesuit's tea, Mexican tea, or herba Sancti
Mariæ. The most common medicinal use of the leaf is antihelmintic
(destructive to worms) and antiparasitic. Paico leaf is also considered
effective in treating skin and kidney diseases, stomach aches,
hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, inflammations, and asthma. Recent
studies show it to be effective against many different cancerous tumor
cells. In homes, people hang branches in the house to repel insects and
use the leaf to season soups. AHC Paico is commonly
believed to prevent flatulence caused by eating beans and is therefore
used to season them. It is also used in the treatment of amenorrhea,
dysmenorrhea, malaria, chorea, hysteria, catarrh and asthma. WIKI Should
not be used while pregnant or nursing. Has traditionally been used to
induce abortions. Do not take while trying to conceive. WAHC It is
the best naturally occurring vermifuge and until very recently it
constituted the basis for many compound remedies. DYE
(adj) Hidden. PSL
(Span): (n) A vegetalista
who uses entheogenics
from the bark of various trees such as ayahúman
(Couroupita guianensis), huacapú (Minquartia
guinensis), clavohuasca (Tynanthas
panurensis), chuchuwasha (Heisteria
pallida), ch'ullanchaki-caspi
(Tovomita sp., Guttiferae), remocaspi
(Aspidosperma excelsum Benth.), lupuna
colorada (Cavanillesia hylogeiton), et al.AYV
A block of palo santo.
(n) A mythological huge, hairy ray fish, also known as rayamama,
sometimes 30-40 meters wide. Whirlwinds ride atop it and it is
connected with soul imprisonment. It sinks boats, erodes
riverbanks and acts as a lid for a network of subterranean tunnels
which connect cities at the bottom of lakes and rivers. AYV
pampa, bamba:
(n) (1) Land, ground, valley. RS
Plain or flat area of any size. CSCR
Understanding and dialogue with elementals and nature. (See,
(adj) Flat. CSCR
aklla conas:
(expression) Excuse me! Sorry! RS
(v) To forgive, to pardon; literally, to
make level
pampalla-soncco: (adj) Inattentive; scattered
of mind. DYE
(n) Shamanic level of caretaker of the
land, cycles of the natural world; keeper of the earth. AVO
Lower shaman; Andean priest of the second level who specializes in
rituals like performing despachos or coca leaf readings.
An inferior [to the altomesayoc]
shaman of the Andes who has been struck by lightning only once. The
pampamesayoq can practice both black magic and divination, as well as cure and combat
black magic. The pampamesayoq is guided by the Koa.
The Koa selects the shaman and gives him power by striking him with
lightning. WOFW The one of the low table
is like a general medical practitioner treating all types of physical
and mental ailments, performing cleansing rituals to eliminate bad
spirits, divining with coca leaves, and conducting ceremonies to honor Pachamama
(see, above), the Awkis and Apus. ACAI
warmi: (1) A
prostitute; (2) an adulteress. RS
pampayruna: (n) A female prostitute.
They were located in the outskirts of the populated centers. DYE
pani, panay: See,
paña, below.
panaka: (n) The original ten or so royal ayllus
of the Inca
imperial household; direct descendants of the first ten kings of Cusco.
The panacas complemented the original ten ayllus of the tambos
at Tambo Toco.
In Inca times this word refers to the twelve royal lineages of Inca
families that competed in the Wiracocha Temple
to become the next Sapa Inca
or ruler of the Empire. QNO
RS Family
group. DYE Sometimes
used generically as a word for mystical lineages. ANON1 ( See, Appendix
(n) Comets of living leaves which change into flying animals that
assist the vegetalista
(sp). AYV
paña, below.
panque, panke: (n) Gunnera
tinctoria. The mucilage from the tender stems and fresh shoots is
applied to the kidneys to lower the temperature of the blood in severe
fevers. The decoction and powder of the root are believed to be good
astringents and have various therapeutic uses. REPC
(Panoan): One of three kinds of ayahuasca
distinguished by the Shipibo according to color, yellow ayahuasca,
from vines having three different mamas:
the boa, the grasshopper and the chicua bird, which with its song
announces whether the vegetalista
should cut the vine at that time. AYV
ayahuasca, traditionally considered the best for initiation. The most
commonly employed in curanderismo
in Amazonian Peru. WSEC
( See,
(adj) Wrong, mistaken. QP
pantacak: (adj)
Mentally perturbed. DYE
(v) To make an error. QP
pantayta-uyarini: (adj)
Hard of hearing. DYE
(n) Cemetery (sp.). PSL
(n) (1) Female friend of a male, sister of a man. QP
(2) Right hand; right side. QNO
(3) By
balancing your own lloke and paña
energies, and following the pathway of your power, you can go through
any obstacle, even physical walls. IGMP
hand side of the path, relating to mystical knowledge; the cold,
rational, objective and structured side of the path governing
initiation and ritual; known as "the road to god." The side of the path
where the shaman
communicates directly with spirits. Lloke
and paña must be integrated to fully push the kawsay. JLH
which is correct and in alignment with good. PSPM The road
to God, focusing on mystical knowledge and the rational, objective and
structured side of the path governing initiation and ritual. ANON1 (3)
Feminine equivalent of wayqi.
(See, authentic self.)
is a kind of yam. The person who consumes this plant is able to summon
the rain or keep it from falling, to control the wind and thunderbolt.
It is very difficult to obtain, found in high hills in the jungle. It
looks like a golden heart. AYV
(adv) Very early in the morning. TLD
(v) To found, to originate. RS
To give
life. Establish. TLD
(v) To be born. RS
pacarina: (n) (1) After the Uñu
Pachacuti, Wiracocha made the
different peoples out of clay and then painted on the garments that
each group was to wear. Each was given its own language, songs, and
favorite foods and even hairstyle. Then he sent them to the various
regions to which he had assigned them -- the lakes, caves and mountains
from which they re-emerged into the light. IAWS
Communication between the surface of the earth and the Ukhupacha was achieved through the
paqarinas -- caves, volcanic craters, springs and lagoons. WOFW A paqarina is an opening in
space/time believed to be an entry and exit point between worlds. PSPM Their dual interpretation of
the world found the concept of the paqarina as an answer to the riddle
[of physical causes vs. psychosomatic illness]. Man was not permitted
to leave his original milieu because he was bound to a life within the
reign of his own regional gods; the mountain, the lake, the river, the
ocean, the jungle, the plateau. And if he went away, he committed a
grave sin. A sin against his own god; and, just as important, a sin
against the rules of the Empire. [See, climatology, for more on this.] DYE Places of emergence such as
caves, water, mythical beings. Good sources for inspiration and
creative energy. JLH
Place of origin or dawning. Most ancient and many modern Andean ethnic
groups and ayllus
consider a particular rock, cave, spring, mountain, or other natural
feature as their paqarina. CSCR
Portal to
the kingdoms of creation. RMFA
Compare, nierika
and torus. (2) Female nature spirit who
is the guardian of one's birthplace; most prominent feminine aspect of
the natural geography at one's birth site. JLH
Female counterpart of the Itu Apu.
for an image.)
paqariy: (v) To be
born, appear from, originate. TLD
(n) A carved and painted staff-like device with a bowl on one end, used
in divination
ceremonies by Inca
priests. MAN
paqocha: (n) A cross between an
alpaca and a llama. TLD See, paq'o, def. 2.
Paqochakuna with herders.
(n) (1) Healer, shaman
in the Andean tradition who treats soul illness. By returning balance
between the body and spirit through complex rituals, plant and animal
medicines, and healing stones, paq'os treat the cause of illness rather
than alleviating only its physical symptoms. ACAI (The paq'o tradition is
itself divided into three levels: pampamesayoq (see, above), altomesayoq and kurak akulliq.) (2) A white llama or alpaca, a confusion of the Spanish
who thought that was the Quechua word for the animal. These white
animals talked and gave prophecies, which is why they were
called paq'os. JLH
paqokuna: (n) Medicine people. JLH
The shamanic practitioners of hampiq of the Southern Andes.
PSPM A generic
title for the Andean shaman, regardless of power and specialty. A white
magician. WOFW (see, pampamesayoq,
above), altomesayoq and kurak akulliq.) (See, also, paq'o above.)
(n) Rain. QP
The conscious being that is sacred rain. ANON1
(n) A culture on the south coast of Peru, one of the first to develop
mummification and, probably, ancestor worship, which influenced all
later West coastal and Andean cultures. MAN
hiporúru. THIM
Pariacaca, Pariya Qaqa:
(n) Literally, igneous
(1) An ancient pre-Inca
god of water, rain and storms, as well as a god of creation. A
five-fold being, he was born as a falcon, but assumed a human form
later. He was worshipped in the Central Andes and defeated Huallallo Carhuincho.
(2) The mountain of the same name which is the embodiment of the god.
parqui, palqui:
(n) Cestrum parqui. Chilean natives employ a decoction or
infusion in treating intermittent fevers; an infusion of the inner bark
is trunk in fast periods to cure stomach ills. REPC Contains
many alkaloids. All parts of the plant are poisonous; the leaves, bark
and wood are psychoactive; it has been used widely in practical
medicine. PDB The plant
is also known to be toxic to livestock and humans. Death is usually
rapid and painful. WIKI
(n) (Span) Pill. QP
(n) (1) Place. (2) Upper part. A high place or higher zone,
elevation-wise. ANON1 (adv) (1)
Above. On top of. (2) Because of. TLD
Patá: (n) A
constellation we know as the Belt of Orion, also known as the Three
Marys. Mochica, Lambayeque and Chimu cultures show this
constellation in their pottery, depicting a central figure of a man
whose arms are held by other two persons, usually women. These three
stars were considered by the Chimu to represent a thief being led by
two envoys of the Moon who must throw the prisoner to the carrion
birds, that group of stars immediately below. The representation of
this constellation was a very popular subject as a funereal offering
[see lower picture below]. DYE
The constellation of Patá.
Peruvian ceramics frequently show this group of three persons which
represents the constellation of Patá. This piece is Mochica. DYE
pata: (1) A
terrace formed of earth, bordered by stones, that kept agriculture from
eroding the mountainsides. The most important crop of the pata pata was
the potato. (2) Stairs, staircase. TLD
mountainside with pata patas.
(1518-1549) The second Manco Capac's
younger half-brother who greatly supported him during the first
turbulent months of his rule as puppet-Inca
in Cusco.
However, when Manco Capac was in rebellion, Paullu sided with the
Spanish and seized his opportunity to become puppet-Inca in Cusco. He
then embraced the Spanish lifestyle enthusiastically. He wore Spanish
clothes, received instruction in the Catholic religion and was baptized
Don Melchor Carlos Inca. With the zeal of a fresh convert, he betrayed
the location of some of the mummies of his forefathers. HDP
An Inca who ruled the empire under Spanish direction. AEAA
mallqui and Appendix H.)
(n) Darkness, confusion. PSL
(v) To be confused. PSL
(n) (1) Secondary ceke
from energy stored in an energy center; the community level
manifestation of the ceke line. (2) A term for categorizing the
importance of things, in this case medium. (See,
huaca, kollana, kayao
and Appendix F.) JLH
Paytiti, Paititi:
(n) A mythical jungle city where Inkari
lives until he can return to unite the Tawantinsuyu.
The masculine counterpart of Miscayani.
The Mythical City of Gold or El Dorado spoken of in many historical
writings on the Incas.
The Spanish were searching to plunder El Dorado, but more than likely
misunderstood the spiritual significance of gold to the Inca. RS
(Span): A vegetalista
who employs different fragrances to use in healing. AYV
A vegetalista who has learned the way of the plants by dieting
with a perfume extracted from several varieties of teacher plants. EMM
peumo: (n) Cryptocarya alba.
The Chileans assert that the fruits possess virtues valuable in
treating dropsy [an old term for edema (swelling) -- Patt]. REPC
of peumo.
(v) To sweep; to clean; to erase. RS
pichi-pichi, pichi: (n) Fabiana
imbricata. Pichi-pichi is held sacred for its powers as an incense,
as the plant produces a large quantity of fragrant smoke when burned.
In Chile, and many other South American countries, the fresh or dried
herbage is burned during most all traditional ceremonies, festivals,
offerings to nature deities, and so forth. Many native peoples keep
bundles of the branches to light as incense whenever purification,
cleansing, or an energy shift is needed. When an individual is ill, the
sick room is filled with the smoke of pichi-pichi, which is said to
banish unwanted spirits and demons, and to push away the darkness of
sickness. In the Atacama Desert, this incense is burned to purify
spaces, and to calm and liberate the spirits of the dead. ELC This plant is believed to
possess wondrous antihelmintic properties for curing sheep and goats of
an ailment (pirguín) that wipes out whole flocks. This is why farmers
take affected animals to pastures where pichi-pichi abounds. With this
fodder, the animals recover and fatten up in a few days. REPC In the Atacama Desert, the
smoke is regarded as a payment for the dead and for general
purification; the spirits of the dead are tamed and dispelled by the
smoke. EPP
(n) Twin brother of Inca
god Apocatequil.
(v) To chew coca.
pinco-pinco: (n) Ephedra andina.
Pinco-pinco is a shrubby plant which inhabits the South American
Andes from Ecuador to South Chile and Argentina. The stems of most
members of this genus contain the alkaloid ephedrine and are valuable
in the treatment of asthma and many other complaints of the respiratory
system. It is a bronchodilator. The whole plant can be used at much
lower concentrations than the isolated constituents -- unlike using the
isolated ephedrine, using the whole plant rarely gives rise to
side-effects. Ephedra does not cure asthma but in many cases it is very
effective in treating the symptoms and thus making life easier for the
sufferer. Pinco-pinco's stems and tops are used as an anti-flatulent,
anticongestive, for treatment for inflammation of the gums, and bladder
infections, as an anti-tumoral, antibacterial, as well as a treatment
for dysentery and as an antiseptic for wounds. It is also well-known as
a depurative and diuretic. It reduces callus production. Ecuadorean
peasants attribute amongst its benefits treatments for syphilis, mucous
secretions, blood purifier and antirheumatic. AHC
Pinco-pinco. WIKI
(n) Blue rods that go into wiska despachos
to deflect disruptive energies. JLH
caballo piri-piri.
(n) Dis-spirited one who prays on the energy life force of others; the
living dead. RS
pisco: (n) A
traditional liquor used in ceremonies both divine and profane. It is a
product of the European invaders who craved more familiar libations
than chicha.
A pure, highly potent, aromatic brandy distilled in Peru from a grape
called the quebranta,
pisco eventually became known by the port from which it was exported.
or Agave americana.
(v) To smoke tobacco. QP
Siray and
(n) The names of twin peaks, are counted as one of the sacred mountains
of the Inca
empire. Their mystical significance is duality, yanantin/masintin
(dissimilar/similar), hapu ranti
(right relationship). JLH
The valley of Pitu Siray near Cusco.
Pizarro, Francisco: ca.1476–1541,
Spanish conquistador, conqueror of Peru. Born in Trujillo, he was an
illegitimate son of a Spanish gentleman and as a child was an
illiterate swineherd. Pizzaro accompanied Ojeda to Colombia in 1510 and
was with Balboa when he discovered the Pacific. Hearing of the fabled
wealth of the Incas, he formed (1524) a
partnership with Diego de Almagro and Fernando de Luque (a priest who
secured funds). The first expedition reached the San Juan River, part
of the present boundary between Ecuador and Colombia. On the second
(1526–28), Pizarro explored the swampy coast farther south while his
pilot, Bartolomé Ruiz, crossed the equator and then returned to bring
definite news of the southern realms. In 1528 his partners sent him to
Spain to secure aid from Emperor Charles V; he achieved this and gained
for himself most of the future profits. Sailing south, Pizarro landed
at Tumbes (1532) and ascended the Andes to Cajamarca, where the Inca, Atahualpa,
awaited him. Professing friendship, he enticed Atahualpa into the power
of the Spanish, seized him, exacted a stupendous ransom (see,
Rumiñahui), and then
treacherously had him executed. The conquest of Peru was virtually
completed by the capture of Cusco, which
was later defended against Inca forces led by Manco Capac. Pizarro set about
consolidating his conquest by founding new settlements, notably the
present capital of Peru, Lima, and allotting land and Native Americans
to his followers. IPC
Francisco Pizarro, portrait and signature (left).
sonqoyok: (adj) Of
mature judgment. DYE
zero point.
Poma, de Ayala Felipe:
See, bio
in Appendix M.
pomaysancca: (n) Caiophora
cirsiifolia. Women in rural areas take an infusion or decoction to
induce menstruation. REPC
(n) One of the birds used in the science of the vegetalistas.
(n) Medicine circle; literally,
a dark place in the water where trout gather.
It takes the form of an energy exchange from the waynus
of the individuals involved. In a group of three, the person at the
head sends energy through her waynu, the person lying down transmits
that energy, and the person at the feet receives it. The energy turns
into luminous filaments, connecting in an oval bubble of light. MBE
(n) Where light germinates. TP
poques: (n)
Innocent fool. DYE
pukpu: (n) A bubble of living energy and, although not limited to,
commonly refers to the electromagnetic energy field surrounding the
human body. PSPM The living
energy fields that are intimately tied into and connected with the
human body. ANON1 The luminous body, the energy bubble or
field around the body. KOAK
See, kawsay poqp'o.
the central concept of shamanism is the idea of power. Simply stated,
this is the notion that underlying all the visible forms in the world,
animate and inanimate, there exists a vital essence from which they
emerge and by which they are nurtured. Ultimately everything returns to
this ineffable, mysterious, impersonal unknown. Its manifestation in
the universe is described by modern physical science through such
concepts as the mass/energy equation and the space/time continuum. But
only the shaman and the mystic actually identify with power through
direct personal experience. WOFW
(Span): (n) Preworldly beings. JLH
(adj) Urgent. QP
(Span): (n) Prophet; also,
sut'inchaj. PSL
(v) To prophesy (sp.); also,
pucara, pukara:
(n) Castle; tower; fort. RS
general Inca term for a stone house or
fortification in the mountains. The Awka
Runa had particular need of them. MAN
(AYM): (n) Daughter. ASD
(n) Sacred place. CHAM
(n) The pink river dolphin. (See,
bufeo colorado.)
The flower of puka campachu.
(n) The red rainbow, which is invisible and causes the illness
pukaungo. AYV
(n) Literally, red
Men that travel in the rear of the Aceropunta.
They look after the ropes so that no enemy will cause harm to those in
the ship while they are performing their healing arts. AYV
picture at warmi murayas.)
(n) Also known as lupuna colorado (Cavanillesia
This tree's mama is very useful to
sorcerers who do evil; her knowledge is almost always turned towards sorcery and rarely toward curanderos that heal and save lives. This
tree also demands a rigorous diet or
immediate death awaits. The tree connects the underwater world with
outer space. In Shipibo cosmology the tree is usually hollow and
contains fish, the water of its interior communicating with the waters
of the subaquatic region. The original Shipibo souls rose through the
hollow trunk to reach Heaven. The puka-lupuna is a great magician that
developed in other dimensions and came to possess this tree. The kapukiri produced by this tree has the
person feeling as if his/her head grows larger and feels a smarting all
over. The illness is most often located in the stomach. If the patient
is a pregnant woman, the newborn baby looks rachitic [as if it has
rickets]. AYV
trunk and leaves of a puka-lupuna.
(n) Literally, people
of the red flame.
This type of yakuruna lives in the
largest of the underwater cities and is
invoked by the murayas as an ally to
control the anguila mama, sea monsters, thunder and storms. AYV
(Amaz): (n) A great water snake that shoots magnetic rays from her eyes
by which she is able to attract anything coming from above. She can
transform herself into boats of various shapes. AYV
puklla: (n) Game
(a form of sacred entertainment). ANON1 See, pukllay,
(v) To play (a game). (n) (1) A game, sports match. QP
(2) The uncanny ability to go to places of innocence and play. There,
the synapses are so alive. AVO The
playing out of a ritual. QNO
kawsay: (n) The
game of life. PSPM
(n) A bag made from the fur of an alpaca born dead, aborted or dies
immediately after birth. ROR
A little bag marked with yarn tassels made of the skin of an unborn
(aborted) llama which holds coca leaves. This bag is used by women in the
Andes in soul retrieval ceremonies to hold the retrieved soul part
until it can be returned to the individual. JLH
puma, or mountain lion, is an archetype for the Kaypacha.
pumacuchu, ratanhia, mapato: (n) Krameria triandra. Commonly
known as rhatany, ratany or rattany. Rhatany is also the name given to
krameria root, a botanical remedy consisting of the dried root of para
rhatany (Krameria argentea) or Peruvian rhatany (Krameria lappacea).
The biological action of rhatany is caused by the astringent
rhataniatannic acid, which is similar to tannic acid. Infusions have
been used as a gargle, a lozenge, especially when mixed with cocaine,
as a local hemostatic and remedy for diarrhea. When finely powdered,
the dried roots furnished a frequent constituent of tooth powders. The
powdered roots have also served to color wines ruby red. The root bark
contains an almost insoluble free red substance called ratanhia red. WIKI Rhatany is
a plant that is fairly uncommon. The root is used as medicine. Related
plants (other Krameria species) are sometimes secretly added to rhatany
preparations to expand the amount of product provided. People take
rhatany for intestinal swelling (enteritis) and chest pain (angina).
Rhatany is sometimes used as a mouthwash or gargle for mild mouth and
throat irritation, swollen gums, cracked tongue, and canker sores. It
is also applied to the skin for leg ulcers and for swelling and
itchiness caused by cold and damp weather (chillblains). WEBMD The roots
have excellent styptic properties that can staunch the flow of blood,
according to native belief. The dose for a decoction is half an ounce
of dry root or one drachma [dram] of its water extract weakened with
two or three ounces of ordinary water. This root is good for
cleansing and strengthening the teeth. It surpasses in efficiency all
other herbs which are employed at the present time to staunch the flow
of blood and lacks the evil after-effects that other astringents cause.
Experiments with more than one thousand persons who have taken the
extract under the care of the best physicians bear out the statement. REPC
chucu leaves, flowers, root, seeds. WIKI
(n) Lofty region; elevated, cold plain. RS
Usually above 12,000 feet, treeless and covered in grass. CSCR Land over
3,900 meters above sea level. RDP (See, quechua, suni)
Punchau, p'unchaw: (n) (1) Young androgynous child (4 or 5 yrs. old)
that is an archetype of God, the Light of Lights. JLH
(2) Another name for the Inca sun god. He was usually depicted as a
warrior armed with darts. WMO
(3) The principal image of the Qoricancha.
Meaning day,
image of the sun or
image of the dawn,
a cast gold man-sized effigy described by Viceroy Toledo as having "a
heart of dough in a golden chalice inside the body of the idol, this
dough being of a powder made from the hearts of dead Incas." This most
important image of Inti was captured with Tupac Amaru [in Vilcabamba in 1572] and probably
melted for its gold by Viceroy Toledo. COI
There is an account that it exists in the royal collections of Spain. WME
statue was kept in a shed located in front of that square [in front of
the Qoricancha] which was used to venerate Punchao (a representation of
the Sun that consisted of a pure-gold statue that was as high as a
ten-year old child). It remained there during the day and in the night
was taken to the square to be worshiped; the idol "slept" accompanied
by many ñust'as in a close shed,
outside the ground, and then it was returned to its original place in
the morning. CPO
(4) Day. RS
Epunamun, mallqui.)
(adj) Swollen. PSL
(v) To swell. PSL
punku: (n) Gate,
door; mountain pass. ANON1
(n) Village north of PotosÍ where believers crawl around the cemetery
at midnight hoping to be healed by the local saint. PSL
puñuchacuni: (n) The
irresistible tendency to fall asleep. DYE
(v) To put to sleep. PSL
(n) Bed. PSL
puñuskiri: (adj)
Eternally deadened. RS
puñuypayani: (n)
Extremely prolonged sleep. DYE
puñuy atiwan: (v) To be sleepy. PSL
(adj) Sleepy. QP
(adj) Sleepy, drowsy. PSL
pukio, pujyu, pukyu, pukyo, pucyu:
(n) (1) Well of light, like a chakra or energy center. JLH
(2) A spring. Well or fountain. PSL
Source, natural spring, well. RS
leaves and
berries. Purampsii
(n) A drinking vessel made from a tropical gourd used in ritual. ROR
(n) Festival honoring the Sapa Incas.
(n) Ruins. QP
(n) An earthen jar used in rituals to hold water. ROR
(n) The people of the Third Sun.
Literally, the
wild people.
Despite their name, civilization was increasing in complexity: people
had learned to spin, dye and weave llama
wool; they practiced more sophisticated agriculture, they mined and
worked metals. The population of the world increased, and people found
it necessary to migrate from the Andes into the lowlands. They lived in
towns, each with its own king, and there was conflict between towns and
regions. The people generally called their creator Pachacamac in this era. MAN
(n) Stones miraculously turned into warriors during the seige of Cusco. Pachacuti
Inca Yupanqui called upon divine help in the war against the Chancas, whereupon the stones in the
field rose up as armed men to fight beside the Inca. After the battle, Pachacuti ordered
the stones gathered up and distributed among the city's shrines. The
stones became huacas. MAN
(Amaz): (n) Spell, witchcraft; a talisman
charged to dominate or attract sexually. THIM
Love magic ritual of the Peruvian Amazon that causes one (either male
or female) to fall madly in love with the other person (for sex, love
or marriage purposes). In Peru this practice is very common, and is
widely and accepted by all parts of society, without the negative
associations in Western culture. EMM
(n) A guide (person). QP
putu: (n)
Skull. Often seen on a healer's altar as a healing tool. ANON1
putu: (n) Sea shell or cow horn trumpet. PSL
Conch shell horn used in ritual for the transmuting and dispersal of hucha and calling out to spirit allies. ANON1 See, ch'aski and strombus conch shell.
Puya. WIKI