петак, 13. март 2015.

The essence of
This Booklet contains a mystical message.
It is the message that Jesus’ disciples missed
and which every Church on Earth has failed to grasp.
It is this...
We are all One.
(The Christ Mind)
The belief that we are mere ‘Human beings’,
is the greatest of all illusions.
Man is the Spirit of God embodied.
‘ I ‘ am the‘light’ that lighteth every man that cometh into the World.

The Essence of the Christ Mind.
Thoughts are like seeds. “ I and my Father are One”, is the
seed (the idea) that sets in motion the Spiritual Rebirth. By no other
means can we ‘enter’ the Kingdom of God. By no other means can
we attain a consciousness of Oneness (the Christ Mind). The ‘Kingdom
of God’, and God consciousness, are One and the same thing.
Every ‘One”, and every ‘thing’, is the Spirit of God manifesting AS
that ‘thing’, yet virtually no one is aware of this amazing Truth. All of
the keys pertaining to ‘The Christ Mind’, came from the scriptures.
Like pieces of a jig saw puzzle, they came to me as I asked for
Enoch walked ‘with’ God. Noah walked ‘with’ God, and
we know that Jesus walked with God. But more than that, we know
that Jesus walked AS God. To walk ‘with’ God, is synonymous to
walking AS God. With that insight, I discovered the Christ Mind.
The birth of the ‘Christ’, is always a ‘virgin’ birth, a
Spiritual birth, (the Spiritual Rebirth!) It is a ‘conception’
that is always initiated by the TRUTH (impregnated by the
Holy Spirit). The ‘womb’ where this conception takes place,
is the consciousness of the individual. This ‘conception’ takes
place when an individual is convinced, that the I AM within
him/her, IS their true identity, and that their ‘name’, is just
their ‘physical’ identity, their ‘outer identity’. The
acknowledgement and the acceptance of this truth, is the beginning
of the ‘birth’ of the Christ… It is that which is known
as the ‘immaculate’ conception!
The Apostle Paul said, “Let this mind be in you which was
also in Christ Jesus”. To walk AS God, is to walk in the Christ
Mind. Paul never discovered this.(He functioned as a ‘branch’, AS
‘Paul’… not as the “I am” within him. (Not as the Vine)

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