As we awaken our Shakti
As we awaken our Shakti, the element of water returns to the body, psyche and soul. It's part of what makes us feel juicy, vibrant, succulent. Too much running of our masculine energy just burns us up, makes us brittle. Too much sun without the rain will kill the rose. As we slow down, breathe, embrace the healing energy of pleasure and sensuality, we restore our flow. We begin to feel, unleashing the cleansing power of emotion. We learn to effortlessly tap the wellspring of feminine essence already inside of us. ॐ
~Lisa Schrader
Sacred Grove of the Mystic Mother
Deep inside the wooded land I go, I go further and further until I hear only the call of the birds between the trees. She is calling me I hear her voice as she sings the melody of the blackbird. My heart races as I get closer and closer to the voice that pulls like a magnetic force. The leaves rustle as if whispering her name, the trees stand in Majesty as if guarding her Ancient land. Her voice is pulling my heart it races with each call. Then I see them the blue bells dancing in the sunlight as it streams into the circle of trees who stand like Sentinels. Antennas plugged into the skies a portal into the hidden lands.
What is this place, where has she has beckoned me to? Where am I?
I step into the circle my heart still racing, suddenly the songs of the birds stop I hear no sound, there is stillness, silence. In between the streams of sunlight I see her. Her eyes meet mine and I am enchanted for within her I see the cosmic galaxies swirling and yet my heart is still, at peace. She speaks with softness;
‘Come my child sit with me at last you have come I have been calling you for Eons!’
I sit still mesmerised and stunned by her presence.
‘But who are you?’
‘Why child you have forgotten me! I have been waiting for you and you do not recognise me. I am Nemetona. These Sacred Groves they are attuned to me, they await within wooded lands across the world. These Sacred circles the power points of the Earth hidden and awaiting to be discovered and once again opened as portal to the Cosmos. I am the guardian and the ancient Goddess of these Circles. I have been awaiting Eons for you to come to me so that I can once again, open and activate these portals of Energy and Light. To bring peace and healing through these Circles to the Earth. ‘
‘But what can I do?’
‘What can you do? You are the bridge between the worlds my child you can bring my energy into all spaces within the world. I am not only in this grove but if you listen to the stillness of your heart I reside there. You can connect to me through any Sacred Grove connect with me and then go out in the world creating sacred circles of peace wherever you go. This will heal the land and mankind go spread the word to all who hear my call for they will listen to my voice deep inside the stillness of their hearts. They will connect with me and they too will create circles of healing and peace, Medicine Wheels within this world.’
She holds me with her embrace that soothes every longing of my heart for her love is flowing through like waves on an open shore. I don’t know how long I lay there in her arms soaking up her eternal love, for when I opened my eyes she was gone. Yet I still felt her presence within my heart she was still there inside me to connect with whenever I yearned.
I am calling to you, whoever reads these words and connects to her, can you hear her?
Is she calling you? Has she guided you to these words?
For she wants you to go wherever you can find some wooded land or place where the trees form a circle and connect to her. She is calling for our help Dear ones we are the bridge between the worlds the Cosmic and Earth together we can heal our beautiful Earth. Just through connecting with the stillness within ourselves, then creating circles that hold this stillness around the world. Creating Medicine Wheels.
If you would like to know more about Nematona and her message for you Dearest ones please contact me at
Together we can heal ourselves and our blessed Earth.
Much Love to You
емотикон heart
Image is called Queen of the Forest by Maillevin Journeying with the Goddess
As we awaken our Shakti, the element of water returns to the body, psyche and soul. It's part of what makes us feel juicy, vibrant, succulent. Too much running of our masculine energy just burns us up, makes us brittle. Too much sun without the rain will kill the rose. As we slow down, breathe, embrace the healing energy of pleasure and sensuality, we restore our flow. We begin to feel, unleashing the cleansing power of emotion. We learn to effortlessly tap the wellspring of feminine essence already inside of us. ॐ
~Lisa Schrader
Sacred Grove of the Mystic Mother
Deep inside the wooded land I go, I go further and further until I hear only the call of the birds between the trees. She is calling me I hear her voice as she sings the melody of the blackbird. My heart races as I get closer and closer to the voice that pulls like a magnetic force. The leaves rustle as if whispering her name, the trees stand in Majesty as if guarding her Ancient land. Her voice is pulling my heart it races with each call. Then I see them the blue bells dancing in the sunlight as it streams into the circle of trees who stand like Sentinels. Antennas plugged into the skies a portal into the hidden lands.
What is this place, where has she has beckoned me to? Where am I?
I step into the circle my heart still racing, suddenly the songs of the birds stop I hear no sound, there is stillness, silence. In between the streams of sunlight I see her. Her eyes meet mine and I am enchanted for within her I see the cosmic galaxies swirling and yet my heart is still, at peace. She speaks with softness;
‘Come my child sit with me at last you have come I have been calling you for Eons!’
I sit still mesmerised and stunned by her presence.
‘But who are you?’
‘Why child you have forgotten me! I have been waiting for you and you do not recognise me. I am Nemetona. These Sacred Groves they are attuned to me, they await within wooded lands across the world. These Sacred circles the power points of the Earth hidden and awaiting to be discovered and once again opened as portal to the Cosmos. I am the guardian and the ancient Goddess of these Circles. I have been awaiting Eons for you to come to me so that I can once again, open and activate these portals of Energy and Light. To bring peace and healing through these Circles to the Earth. ‘
‘But what can I do?’
‘What can you do? You are the bridge between the worlds my child you can bring my energy into all spaces within the world. I am not only in this grove but if you listen to the stillness of your heart I reside there. You can connect to me through any Sacred Grove connect with me and then go out in the world creating sacred circles of peace wherever you go. This will heal the land and mankind go spread the word to all who hear my call for they will listen to my voice deep inside the stillness of their hearts. They will connect with me and they too will create circles of healing and peace, Medicine Wheels within this world.’
She holds me with her embrace that soothes every longing of my heart for her love is flowing through like waves on an open shore. I don’t know how long I lay there in her arms soaking up her eternal love, for when I opened my eyes she was gone. Yet I still felt her presence within my heart she was still there inside me to connect with whenever I yearned.
I am calling to you, whoever reads these words and connects to her, can you hear her?
Is she calling you? Has she guided you to these words?
For she wants you to go wherever you can find some wooded land or place where the trees form a circle and connect to her. She is calling for our help Dear ones we are the bridge between the worlds the Cosmic and Earth together we can heal our beautiful Earth. Just through connecting with the stillness within ourselves, then creating circles that hold this stillness around the world. Creating Medicine Wheels.
If you would like to know more about Nematona and her message for you Dearest ones please contact me at
Together we can heal ourselves and our blessed Earth.
Much Love to You
емотикон heart
Image is called Queen of the Forest by Maillevin Journeying with the Goddess
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Keltska boginja - Dea Matrona
keltskoj mitologiji, Dea Matrona (Božanska Majka Boginja) beaše najuzvišenija
boginja kontinentalnih Kelta. Poznata je još pod imenima Modron, Matres,
Matrones, Matera (Ma – Terra: Majka Zemlja). Gali su je slavili kao boginju
zaštitnicu reka, što nas dovodi do još jednog njenog epiteta poznatog kod
ostrvskih kelta, a to je Danu, Dana, Danona (Danona – Matrona), Dunav. Kelti su
upoznavši se sa ovim kultom od strane starosedelace evrope, te stare narode
nazvali Tuata de Danan – Narod Boginje Dane (Darod Dunava).
mnogim delovima evrope je bila obožavana kao trostruka boginja, i na osnovu
toga zvali su je Deae Matres (Deae Matronaes), sa širokim dijapazonom epiteta
koji su joj se pripisivali. Od istoka ka zapadu ova trostruka priroda bila je
poznata širom evrope, i to ne samo kod kelta i drugio narodi su je štovali pod
različitim imenima: Fates, Norne, Furie, Hekata...
teonim Matr-on-a u bukvalnom prevodu znači „Velika Majka“. U vels su je
nayivali Modron, što je najverovatnije prototip Morigan odnosno Morgane u
kasnijoj Arturijanskoj legendi. Epiteti morigan skoro u potpunosti odgovaraju
Tračanskoj Bendis – Hekati, odnosno Slovenskoj Mori. Legenda se odnosi više na
njenog sina Mabona odnosno Maponosa, koji u srednjem veku postaje Mordred. U
nekim interpretacijama jasno se vidi njena povezanost sa kultom žetve i
plodnosti šti je skoro u potpunosti postavlja lice u lice sa Kibelom i Danu.
(„Majke“, „Matrone“ - Dadilje) ili Matere su bile boginje koje su se
pojavljivanje u grupi od tri, i poštovane su među keltima, ali kasnije beahu
prihvaćene i od strane Rimljana. Njihov kult bio je posebno omiljen kod Rimskih
legionara. Na spomenicima bile su prikazivane kao tri žene, ređe dve ili jedna,
sa rogom izobilja, korpom sa plodovima i detetom na grudima. Matere
personifikuju ideju materinstva i sveoštu životnu snagu prirode, a njihov kult
je povezivan sa mnogim rekama i izvorima (što nas opet vraća na najveću
Evropsku reku Dunav). Zbog najranije povezanosti ovih božanstava sa Fatama ili
Suđajama, verovalo se da ove boginje upravo određuju sudbinu pojedinca ili
čitavog naroda. Kult Matere predstavlja utrostručenu prirodu Velike Majke. Na
osnovu nekih natpisa i ostataka kulta kod Viminacijuma, veruje se da je baš u
blizini tog antičkog grada nekada bio hram Matera.
Dana ili Danu bila
je majka Boginja u Irskoj mitologiji (poznata kao majka naroda Tuata de Dana),
u suštini narod koji je naseljavao evropu pre dolaska indoevropljana, i samim
tim prvih kelta koji su po svemu sudeći preuzeli religiju starosedelaca. Mnogi
lingvisti msatraju da je Danu teonim proto-indo-evropskog porekla, i smatra se
da je ime povezano sa boginjom vode, odnosno reke. Danu je takodje boginja koja
se pojavljuje u Rigvedi kao boginja voda, a u Avesti u suštini i predstavlja
reku. Nosioci njenog imena su svakako reke Dnjepr i Danubius (Dunav). Kraća
forma ove istočnjačke boginje je i reč Da. Ovaj izraz je preživeo u grčkoj
boginji Dametri (Demetra – „Majka Da“) koja je bila povezivana sa vodom više
puta. U proto-indo-evropskom jeziku danu znači reka. Da je takođe slovenska
potvrdna rečca. Irske forme njenog imena su Danu, Danain, Danann. Irska Danu
nije identična sa onom Rigvedskom Danu, već pre sa proto-keltskom Danonom koja
sadrži sufiks on, koji se kojavljuje još i kod Matrona, Katona (Kotys –
tračansko ime Kibele), Kanona (Kan – protokeltko ime za Majku – Bal Kan –
Velika Majka).
jedna keltska boginja, kontinentalnog porekla, koja odgovara ovom kultu je
Belisima. Belisima, Bela, beaše žena boga Belunosa (Belboga), i bila je
poštovana kao boginja reka, vatre, zanata i svetlosti, čije epitete možemo
povezati sa boginjom Hekatom – Artemidom. Najverovatnije da su je u britaniji
poštovali kao trostruku boginju vatre Brigit. Predpostavlja se da ovo ime nije
originalno već da je derivat latinske reči Bella – Lepa, a često se pojavljuju
imena ove boginje kao Belisame, Belisama, Balsamae, Bal (Snažna, Jaka, Velika).
kult, odnosno inspiracija Bardova, poziva ovu boginju imenom „Bela Boginja“.
Bela Boginja postaje epitet i Danu, i Morrigan, njen lik se još jednom
predstavlja u liku boginje plodnosti Sheila na Gig, čiji se simboli mogu videti
na katedralama širom evrope, ali svakako najstariji prikaz je onaj iz lepenskog
epiteti koje smo nabrojali svakako ukazuju na njeno Balkansko poreklo, njenu
povezanost sa Kibelom i Hekatom, kao i starost njenog kulta. Sveto trojstvo
antičke evrope, zasigurno predstavljaju boginje koje su neki narodi zvali
Kibela i Hekata, ali ostaje još pitanje ko je ona treća boginja. Hekatinu
trojnost čine Hekata u podzemlju, Artemida na zemlji i Selena na nebu. U drugim
mitovima koji su još bliži govori se o boginji majci Demetri, kraljici
podzemnog sveta Persefoni i njenoj sestri, boginji svetlosti Despioni. Kod
tračana poznate su boginje Kotis i Bendis (Kibela i Hekata), ko je onda treća
boginja u trojstvu, ostaje nam da uđemo dublje u istraživanje, svakako znamo da
ona postoji. Kult Dea Matrone dokazuje poštovanje najstarijeg kulta u evropi,
poreklom iz srca Balkana.
- Nastavak ovog teksta biće uskoro publikovan. Iz
sadržaja nastavka:
Artio –
Nemetona –
Sirona –
Morrigan –
Morgana (Arturijanske Legende i Balkan)
Zvezda Danica
i Mora
Majka Mitre
Majka sa
Detetom – Svetice: Vera, Nada, Ljubav
-Marco Nektan -
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