субота, 22. август 2015.

Christ Consciousness is the blending of the Ego with the Heart; Ego self and Higher self or Spirit and body. This awareness happens over time within the consciousness of humans when there is intention, awareness, and openness to who we truly are. 

It is our honoring of the Earth, the Goddess, Sacred Union and our transformation from duality into Unity Consciousness.

Christ consciousness is our living expression as a child of Spirit, the Divine Child or Magical Child, which emerges from the balancing of our inner masculine and feminine. It is the miracle vibration. Living in the reality of our “christed” self is actually being fully alive and invested in who we truly are.

This path is open to anyone regardless of their culture or religious tradition if and when he or she is open to become a living human vessel of LOVE and TRUTH on the planet.

Each person has his and her own path to finding Spirit. All ways and paths are honored if they lead a person into becoming more loving, forgiving, patient, kind and compassionate.

Christ Consciousness is achieved through the sacredness and purity of the individual who has taken the initiative to clear programmings, conditionings and the negative Ego.

All paths of LOVE lead to the same Source of All That Is. We all share the same Creator-Source as living expressions and aspects of that Source and we all have the potential to fully unite with the infinite light of unconditional love, with each other and the unity that exists within.

In holding and maintaining Christ Consciousness, we inspire others to seek this for themselves and from here we can collectively move our planet forward into planetary transformation and Ascension into higher Earth energies, which will reflect this inner achievement.

~ Laura Magdalena

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